Joshua Tree National Park
Photo Gallery
Barker Dam ReflectionYucca and Desert GoldSunrise at Joshua TreeRock FormationsDesert Gold in Pinto BasinHidden ValleyGeometric DesignsJoshua Tree SunriseTufted Evening PrimroseRising Sun on a Joshua TreeSkull RockSide-Blotched LizardReflections at Barker DamBlooming CactusBlotch-Sided LizardCholla Cactus GardenClaret Cup CactusDesert GoldPainted PetroglyphsJumbo Rock AreaCactus and FlowersJoshua Tree ForestDesert StarFlowering Plant and Cholla CactusJoshua TreeJumbo RocksHuge PalmsJoshua Tree and MoonPinto BasinBlooming Joshua TreeJoshua Tree
Wolf's Vision
Nature Photography
The photos on this website are the property of Brian Wolf. No saving or copying is permitted.
Spent several days in Joshua Tree NP.  The sunrises/sunsets were pretty boring - no clouds or color.  Almost slept-in the last morning.  Literally had to race to get to the joshua tree I had marked with my GPS just as the sun was breaking the horizon.  Got the shot I had gone out there for in the first place!
           Brian Wolf
         262-656-1659 [email protected]
Sunrise at Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park
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